Friday, February 21, 2014

Men's Hockey - Olympic Time Memories from four years ago... Part 1

Things are often enjoyed more with a friend then alone.
My friend and I and her boarder from China left really early one day, driving from Kelowna to Surrey.
We got to the sky train and rode to the Roger's Arena station ( for the time it was called Canada Hockey Place) and got off and walked right into the throng of excited ticket holders.
This is from the photos I took this day in 2010 - please do not copy or save any.   Lots of face painting happening before the game. 

Lots of people dressing up and a lot of people taking pictures. 

It was actually very orderly and calm, well, excited calm but not crazy. 

We were excited to be there, right in among all the action of this final day of the 2010 Winter Olympics in B.C.
We wanted to see and do so many things.

We walked down the path and got to some of the exhibit buildings.
We looked inside and got several free papers and things the exhibit handed out for free like a bag to carry our things in.

Want a ride?

Sure seemed like everyone was excited to be Canadian on this day!! 
Soon we found ourselves in front of the hockey exhibit buildings and my friend tried to enter one building and was quickly asked for her ticket... $500.00 I think was the cheapest and that was just to let you watch inside on a big screen and drink beer in the morning.

We opted to gather with the large group outside and stand ( with out beer) to watch just one goal made by Canada.

Since they would not let her in to see what was inside with out a ticket we opted for taking pictures outside the entry. 

Part of the crowd outside watching the hockey game on a bit screen. 

Not sure if he is excited or not??????
We watched for much longer then we thought we might.  A visit to the ladies room was next before we walked to the Russian display.

her look says "What even taking a picture of me going into a PIT STOP lavatory?"  and I guess it is not just the ladies room. 

Regina trains the RMCP 

Yes, even I can play hockey as I am a good Saskatchewan girl.  

Russia has the Olympics next... at Sochi, 2014!!!

Chinese women's curling team by Sochi building.
A few more interesting photos ( of course, that is what I mainly came to do - take pictures) and we are off a little bit further to the China display.

Walking over towards the other displays on the lovely pathway system. 

Adding her little inukshuk.

So many inukshuk along the shore here... so cool to see.

Arrived at the China area.
We had to see what was going on over here as a large large crowd was gathered.  Oh, of course, the Canadian/ US hockey game displayed on a very large screen.
The three of us found stops to watch and were settled just in time for that goal... one by Sidney Crosby and one by.... US to put us into sudden death over time.

Thursday, February 20th, 2014 a Gold Medal Kind of Day.

Today many many people were excited about two special gold medals Canadian people won in Sochi, Russia at the Olympics.
I was happy to hear about them too.
I was not able to watch the games or see the medal winning moments until this evening on you tube replays.
That was enough to make me happy and proud.

Mid afternoon found me driving my truck and thinking about where it might be interesting and different to take some pictures at.
I decided on the Shannon Lake area and what a delight it was.  The sun was shining in its afternoon glow.
The ice was blue and the surrounding trees were bold and yellow.

When I spied the two hockey nets on the smoothed out rink on the lake I was thrilled.
What a uniquely beautiful and fitting spot for this afternoon.
A Canadian special.

on the opposite side from the hockey nets - pretty sign but sad message 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Today, Tuesday, February 18th, 2014 in Kelowna, B.C.

I have not thought to write a new post for a long time but today it came to me that this needed to be blogged and so I am doing that now.

The time at the pool went by quickly today and I had a very nice time chatting with my friends there as well and working out sore knees and hip and such.
When I was back in the truck I decided to stop at Mum and Me to pick up a pretty flower for my auntie who I failed to get something for Valentine's Day.

At the shop I saw some very pretty red rimmed roses and asked for one for Auntie Beth.  Then on a quick whim said I would take one more, please.
It was decided that the kind lady would but the rose in a vase with a bit of greenery and such.  When she was done she slipped my single rose in a nice special rose bag- clear on one side and white on the other.
Off I went to see Auntie.

My thoughts told me it would be easier to get onto the road if I went out on Guischan and not try Gordon so I did that holding my tall vase with pretty rose with one hand while it sat in the cup holder near me.
I glanced at the gas station beside me while I waited for the light and saw a tall thin lady smile at me and sort of give a half wave.  I smiled back and looked back at the light... still red.
I looked to the other side of the road and then I heard a knock at my passenger side window and there stood the lady.  I moved my bags to the back seat and opened the window to hear her say that could she please have a ride a few blocks.
"Yes, yes," I stammered and tried to open the locked door and then realized I needed to put my vehicle into park before the door lock opened.  I did so and then saw the light was green but no one behind me honked. They waited patiently and the thin lady climbed in the truck.
She thanked me so much and said she was just out of the Dr.'s office as she had an ulcer on her leg and it was difficult for her to walk far.

I asked her where she was wanting me to take her and she mentioned a place I knew well, but it was way past Cottonwoods were I was going.

My mind said, oh, just take her, and so I told her where I was heading as we passed by the building.

She told me that she volunteered there and played the piano for them sometimes.
She offered to hold the vase with the rose so it would topple over when I stopped and started and I appreciated it.  She might see me if I told her what time on what days I went to see my auntie.

When we got to the corner she asked me to take her to she asked  if I minded taking her a few more blocks and I was happy to do so.

She told me her name and asked me mine.  Then she said that her husband died two or a few years ago (besides other things asthma got him) and then after that her fiance died too.  I told her my mum had died a little more then a month ago and she was filled with sympathy for me.  She told me how my mum was in a better place now and I gently explained I believe a little diferently than that -- she is resting now and waiting for Jesus to return and take us Home.
Her smile grew larger and she said how beautiful that was.

Then she quoted some scripture or poem and soon we were at the place she wanted to be left off at.
Thanking me profusely we went over our names again to make sure we had them clearly in our minds.
I took my rose in the special rose bag and gave it to her saying I wanted her to have it.
Her eyes lit up and she said that she just had to hug me.  She had not gotten anything for Valentine's Day and this was so very nice.

She left to knock at the door to #11 and I slowly circled the parking lot to make sure she got in and then I left.

A small park was at the end of the street and I stopped to take some pictures of the vase, rose, and greenery of my auntie's rose now as my rose was now hers.

I will always think about this day and wonder about it and enjoy the surprise and fun of it.

A beautiful rose for my Auntie. 

By the lake