Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bible Verse for June 28th, 2012

Week 24

1 Peter 2: 9-10

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priest, a holy nation, God's very own possession.  As a result you can show others the goodness of God, for He called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.
Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God's people.
Once you received no mercy; now you have received God's mercy.

The God of the universe chose us.
He died for us.
He loves us still.

The vastness of God's love can be like the flowers of the land. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bible Verse for June 22, 2012

Week 23

Ecclesiastes 3: 22

So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why they are here! No one will bring them back from death to enjoy life in the future.

What a good verse to tell me to be happy here and now, right in the moment.   
I do not need to look ahead or behind all the time. 

Right now, is the time to enjoy in the Lord. 

Thank you for that, Solomon. 

Happy on Father's Day - June 2012

Happy times with Tyler -- even when I friend playfully muds up the car.

Tea Time at Lake Tai with Ty

After spending a little time with Laura -- and then with Bryn downstairs taking photos. 

There are beautiful blooms all over the city this week.  So fun to see them all as I do errands. 

At the Farmer's Market on Wednesday with Bryn.

Tomorrow will be time for meeting with God and church family --- Thank you Lord for all the ways to enjoy this life . 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Bible Verse for June 14, 2012

Week 22

2 Timothy 2:15 (NLT)

"Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive His approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

This verse gives me something to think about each day.
Sometimes it is easy to float along with the busyness or our regular days, but we are called to study and to be ready to explain the word of truth.

I was going to call my friend from the pool.   She missed both Tuesday and Thursday groups.   I did call last evening and did not reach her.   

We were going to go for lunch sometime.

I really hope she comes back to class.
We enjoyed some really nice chats.

Each day is the day to share Jesus's love with others.

The most important study. 

Nature study. 

Example study.   My dad is such a hard worker.   

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Challenge - Tourist in My Own Town

June 7th, 2012
Orchard Park Mall
Kelowna, B.C.

Today started out so beautifully with the sun shining brightly.
"Goodie," I thought," I will be able to go to a new place to really explore.  A new outside spot."
I did not go at once.  I waited and got some important things done.
Then I looked out the office window and it was windy.  Very windy.  And ... the clouds were coming closer.
When it was the right time for me to be able to go out and about, it was rainy and chilly, so I had to come up with a different place to be a tourist in my own town.

The mall!

Everyone enjoys spending time in a mall they have not been in before.  Or, for that matter, they are happy going to the same mall they have gone to all of their life.

I was happy with this decision.   Right after my pool time at rehab, I went, wet hair and all, to the mall.
Chapters looked inviting.
There is always something interesting to look at or buy at Chapters.
I went in after taking several parking lot photos.

It was warmer in the store then outside.  It was bright and cheery inside.
The food and drink scents from the in-store Starbucks wafted to the book aisles.
I was present and at the last row of magazines looking at photo mags when someone dropped some dishes and they crashed to the floor with a splintery sound.  Some of the workers shouted out - OOMPah.

I limped to the far side of the store, away from the food and the noise.  After picking up six or so items I found a wicker chair by the front windows and sat.  I was so comfortable I did not want to look at my iphone to find out the time.
Oops, now I would not make it to the bank in time.

It was time to put some items back on the proper shelves.   It was time to pay for the items lucky enough to come home with me.  It was time to go back outside into the windy, rainy weather and take a few more pictures.

I liked being a tourist at the mall today, especially at Chapters.

The pear entrance is off  of Springfield Road

One of my favourite stores in Kelowna
You might have noticed that this is the apple entrance to the mall. 

I have a lot of photos of Chapters 

I need to get a picture of the pear lot and the peach lot.  I like these banners. 

Bible Verse for June 7th, 2012

Week 21

2 Corinthians 12:9 and 10 ( in part)

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness....
for when I am weak, then I am strong. "

It is so good for me to say this verse over and over.

It takes the 'me' out of my problems so quickly.

I am to look to Jesus for my strength, not to myself.
How easy it is to get this backwards.

He is the strength.

Standing tall, looking to the Son. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June Challenge - Tourist in My Own Town

June 6th, 2012
On Pandosy just before it turns into Lakeshore Road.
In Kelowna, B.C.

Sometimes a tourist gets hungry.
I know a very nice little place that is different then other places to eat.
It is called the Marmalade Cat.  I have no idea why it is called that, but it is a good name.
The Cafe is on a busy corner in a nice little shopping area of town down. Parking is free, if you can find a spot.
The little shops are fun to look in or just window shop at.

Today was a special treat for me to go to this cafe - mixed berry smoothie and a little cup of Armenian Lentil soup with a grilled cheese, tomato and onion sandwich.
Might be another year before I can play tourist at this shop again.

It was much to cold to sit out at those little tables today, but not too cold for someone to ride their lovely yellow bike there. 

Lots to choose from but I was not tempted.  

I was number 14 today. 

Bright and homey inside and out. 

Close to where I parked my truck is this sculpture (?). 

It you look closely you will read  "No Cats Allowed" - I never saw that sign before. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June Challenge - Tourist in My Own Town

June 5th, 2012
Water Centre and Fields

This is a large area with two large buildings.
One is the swimming centre and the other is a multi-purpose sports centre.
Today I did an outdoors tour and will probably be inside tomorrow afternoon.

Have a look with me at all the different things to do here.

Enter here!

The whole building as you approach from Gordon Drive.

Red Winged Blackbird in marshy area with the H2O building behind. 

There are different fields all around.  Some for soccer, some of softball, and all kinds of activities. 

One of the well kept gardens. 

Flowers, vegetables, rock pathways and birdhouses fill this community garden. 

A look inside H2O - the wave pool straight ahead. 

The waterslides. 

In the rock garden at the front of the H2O building.

Everything is so well kept and neat.
If you have some time to visit wonder what you will enjoy most?