Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June Challenge - Tourist in My Own Town

June 6th, 2012
On Pandosy just before it turns into Lakeshore Road.
In Kelowna, B.C.

Sometimes a tourist gets hungry.
I know a very nice little place that is different then other places to eat.
It is called the Marmalade Cat.  I have no idea why it is called that, but it is a good name.
The Cafe is on a busy corner in a nice little shopping area of town down. Parking is free, if you can find a spot.
The little shops are fun to look in or just window shop at.

Today was a special treat for me to go to this cafe - mixed berry smoothie and a little cup of Armenian Lentil soup with a grilled cheese, tomato and onion sandwich.
Might be another year before I can play tourist at this shop again.

It was much to cold to sit out at those little tables today, but not too cold for someone to ride their lovely yellow bike there. 

Lots to choose from but I was not tempted.  

I was number 14 today. 

Bright and homey inside and out. 

Close to where I parked my truck is this sculpture (?). 

It you look closely you will read  "No Cats Allowed" - I never saw that sign before. 


  1. Mmmmm, great little cafe and so cute, too! The smoothie sounds wonderful! Not sure why I've never noticed that sculpture before.

    1. So it is ok to use a cafe for a tourist challenge?
      I like this cafe as it is not a big chain restaurant and there is always vegetarian soup.

  2. Yes I liked that place. It had good food.

    1. You were a good sport to come with me that time. They only need softer chairs, but the food is great.
