Sunday, April 29, 2012

DR Day 2 - Friday April 13th

It was very nice to wake up and be able to go out in the back yard and take photos of so many beautiful flowers and interesting things.

I could hear the birds singing in the trees behind the yard and the butterflies teased me by flying so close, but not sitting still.

Rebecca and I did a bit of swimming and I think Don and Bryn came in the pool some too.
It was so nice and warm in the morning sunshine.

After we had a bit of breakfast and enjoyed a slow and relaxed morning, we got ready to go and explore a bit of the town of Puerto Plata.

I would love to have this start to my day each morning
Rebecca doing her laps
The only butterfly that sat still for a few seconds
Vivid colours were all around
Where is Bryn?
Our vacation house in Sosua for the first couple of days
I called this one the Don Quiote house
I might like to stay in this house one time - I love the colour
It was a nice, safe campus
Too bad this sign was not down at the main road to guide us in
A river on the way back to town
We all read the sign and thought of Toys R Us at home
Our lunch time restaurant- first time to try out our Spanish skills in town and order some drinks and pizza.  It was a nice place but we were the only patrons
The fire hall down by the ocean
At the old fort
Fort San Felipe
One little stand with things to buy
Rebecca wanted to try some dulce con leche and the boy in the orange shirt got the money much to the older guys chagrin, as he certainly did try hard to get any of us to buy his maracas
Sorry, too much money
Glad I got her picture - and no I did not want a ride


  1. Replies
    1. thanks, it was.
      this time we actually relaxed and had some time by the ocean.
      good to see two of our children, one from Ottawa and one from Castlegar.

  2. Great pictures again! Wonderful to learn more and hear extra stories about your trip! I like relaxing vacations, too.

    1. thanks, ali.
      now I want to see photos from your last trip!!
      fun to be able to share photos and stories like this, eh.
