Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bible verse challenge & Tooth

Today I would like to add to my photo blog. I will try to add more things then just photos each day. Someone on a blog I just started to read had the suggestion to join her in 52 Verses in 52 Weeks. It is picking a Bible verse to memorize each week. One verse a week for the year 2012.

Week 1 (January 19th) - Proverbs 15:1
"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

I know this verse quite well already, but it popped out at me when I looked in my old Bible. This verse is a good one for me to say many times a day for a week, don't you think?

Last evening my tooth cracked and a large piece came out of my mouth. I was scheduled to go to the dentist to have a piece added on in the attempt to save it. I am sad that I will probably lose this tooth now. That will make three of them needing to be replaced with an implant. Not looking forward to the extraction of this bitty piece left in my gum or the implants I know I have to get one day.

The second broken piece of tooth - the part from last evening


  1. Hi Glenda!

    SO happy to have you join me in Bible verse memorizing this year!!!! :) It's wonderful to have a "Memorizing Buddy!"

    Hugs to you about your broken tooth. I can relate only TOO well, having had similar dental problems. Let's just say that the dentist pays for his kids college educations by what he earns off of me. :( Looking forward to heaven where I get new teeth. Never could figure out why God gave sharks seven sets, and people only two! ;)

    1. Just saw this now. How nice to have a new friend.
      I knew a man that really truly did have two sets of molars in his mouth at one time.
      My mum and dad are both excited to do the Bible verse challenge too.
      What a great idea.
      Thanks for sharing that.
      Have a good Sabbath.
