Friday, March 14, 2014


The power went out.
First the light in my office went very nice and bright, then dimmed and the power was gone.
A power outage was not in my plans today.
The micro wave was off, as was the fridge, stove, blender, lights, computer, tablet... everything it seemed, that I wanted to use.

Did I pay the bill?
Was this effecting my dad's house too?
Maybe a car crashed into a power pole and we would be left with out power until it was fixed.

I called my dad but his power was just fine.

Waiting proved to be the best solution.
After a period of time the lights came back and the clock on the micro wave clicked.

Whew... now I could go back to listening to the workshop I was learning from.
It was such a good one.
Just before the power outage the teacher had been explaining specular highlights and I was finding it fascinatiing.
The science of photography was becoming more and more interesting and exciting to me.

Oh, yes, the power was out just after the explaination of specular reflections.

My camera has a battery and does not use electricity so I could do something with my camera.

I went to the dreary kitchen and over to the sink where a soup pot from the evening before was sitting in sudsy water soaking.
I poured it all out into the sink and there was so many lovely specular light winking at me.

Which one do you think turned out best?

1 comment:

  1. I like that the bubbles don't look like spheres. They are more straight edged shapes! Cool
