Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sabbath - Feb 18th

More fresh snow!!
our snowy pond at our church
it melted before we left - mostly

I was surprised to hear that but it sure did look pretty and clean.
We went to church and had a very nice service and then we headed home to enjoy a lovely meal.
Funny thing was that I got full way quicker then I had planned.
The left over cauliflower soup was divided out and superlinks with no- oil- fried -onions made our lunch complete.
DQ drank some of the left over kale drink and I enjoyed water.
We went to visit Auntie Beth and sang songs with her after I read her two mission stories and another one in Chicken Soup for the Soul.  She repeated a long Bible verse and we prayed together.   It was nice since she had not made it to church today.

a most cheery lady - my auntie Beth
Then we went to KGH to visit a friend who has been in for a week and then came home only to have to go back in again. Poor lady, eh. Our friend was just taking the husband home when we got there and another couple of our friends were up in the room. We enjoyed another round of singing together. She requested "Because He Lives" and we all joined in singing. She has a very nice voice. Then we held hands and had a prayer, she adding her own thoughts to the end of our friend's prayer.

When we came out of the hospital and were walking to the truck, we heard this really high pitched different sound. It was getting louder but we did not see any bird or animal near by. Finally I saw a small parade coming down the street! Was I ever glad I am a camera carrying lady. They seemed to enjoy me taking their picture. This enthusiastic group of children and I think, their parents, were celebrating Mardi Gras with their little, brightly coloured kazoos.


  1. All that new snow looks very pretty! Glad you got to spend time with Auntie Beth and cheer up another friend, too. Cute pictures of the Mardi Gras parade!

    1. Wonder if there will be nice new snow again in the morning?
      It was pretty today.
      The kids put their hearts into playing their kazoos.
      Thanks for the note.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. I loved seeing the picture of the old pond. Seeing it always reminds me of Dad as he used to tell me stories of when he was a kid up at that pond. Those kids sure were cute too! (*_*)

    1. Yes, it was a really nice day. I enjoy the surprise of new snowfall and then later the surprise of a very warm day with bees flying around and then back to snow.
      My auntie is usually always cheerful no matter her lot in life. I learn so much from her example.
      The kid stories from your dad and your uncle DQ are always interesting to me too.
      And the little kazoo kids were such fun to see and hear.

  3. I do miss real winter at times~especially when I see such good snow pictures. Sounds like a wonderful Sabbath!

    1. It was a wonderful day.
      Always a surprise to see that much snow, especially after the sun was so very warm for the week before and the bees were out.
      Have a good week.

  4. You are a busy gal! Lovely photos and thanks for sharing!
